A Key to Early Detection and Prevention

Liver cancer, although less common than some other forms of cancer, is a serious and often life-threatening condition.

The key to addressing liver cancer lies in awareness – understanding the signs and symptoms, adopting preventive measures, exploring treatment options, and early diagnosis of liver damage.

Liver cancer awareness plays a pivotal role in saving lives by promoting early detection and prevention.

Understanding Liver Cancer Awareness

Increased knowledge about the disease enables individuals to recognize potential risks, identify symptoms, and take proactive measures.

* Unexplained Weight Loss. * Abdominal Pain and Swelling. * Jaundice. * Fatigue and Weakness.

Liver Signs and Symptoms

* Maintain a Healthy Diet. * Exercise Regularly. * Limit Alcohol Consumption. * Get Vaccinated.

Liver Cancer Prevention Tips

* Surgery * Chemotherapy * Radiation Therapy * Targeted Therapy

Liver Cancer Treatment Options

* Blood Tests * Imaging Tests * Biopsy * Liver Function Assessment

Liver Damage Diagnosis

By understanding the signs and symptoms, adopting preventive measures, exploring treatment options, and diagnosing liver damage promptly, we can make significant strides in mitigating the impact of this devastating disease.


175, Big St, Police Quarters, Triplicane, Chennai,  Tamil Nadu - 600005 +91 9952388103